Legal Notices
Please read carefully the various terms of use of this site before browsing its pages. By connecting to this site, you accept without reservation these terms. Also, in accordance with article n°6 of Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the managers of this website :
Site Editor:
The site is the absolute property of SARL ALBA (
ALBA SIRET number: 58206306100060
Editorial manager: Alba, 8 rue huntziger, 92110 CLICHY-LA-GARENNE
Registered in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under number 39097182800061
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Terms of Use:
This site ( ) is offered in different web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.) for better user comfort and more pleasant graphics, we recommend that you use modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. The legal notices were generated on the Legal Notice Generator site, offered by Welye . ALBA implements all the means at its disposal to ensure reliable information and reliable updating of its websites. However, errors or omissions may occur. The Internet user must therefore ensure the accuracy of the information with, and report any changes to the site that he deems useful. Is in no way responsible for the use made of this information, and for any direct or indirect damage that may result. Cookies : The website may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is a piece of information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. It contains several data that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and record information. Some parts of this site cannot be functional without the acceptance of cookies. Hypertext links: The websites of may offer links to other websites or other resources available on the Internet. ALBA has no means of controlling the sites connected to its websites. It is not responsible for the availability of such sites and external sources, nor does it guarantee it. It cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the content of these sites or external sources, and in particular the information, products or services that they offer, or any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with this use are the sole responsibility of the Internet user, who must comply with their conditions of use. Users, subscribers and visitors to the sites